後学期分授業料免除及び徴収猶予の申請について【私費外国人留学生(学部4年生向けページ)】/ Tuition fee Exemption/Postponement (for 4th year undergraduate students)

Application procedures for tuition fee exemption and postponement for the second semester of the 2022 academic year are as follows.

This page is for 4th year undergraduates. 1st to 3rd year undergraduates and graduate students are here.

申請要項 Application Guidelines

To apply, please download the application guidelines from the link below, confirm the application period, application method, etc., and complete both the “Web Input” and “Document Submission” procedures within the prescribed period. (Application guidelines and application forms are also available in front of the Student Support and Community Outreach Office.)

◆令和4年度後学期 旧選考基準による授業料免除(経過措置)・授業料徴収猶予申請要項(学部4年生対象)(PDF
Tuition Exemption / Payment Postponement for the second semester of the 2022 Academic Year(For 4th year undergraduate students)(PDF

申請書類 Application Documents

Please check the “Application Guidelines” above and download and submit the necessary documents from the link below. (Documents can be prepared by PC)
In addition to the documents listed below, some documents may need to be issued by the municipal office or your employer, etc. Please read the application guidelines carefully and submit all necessary documents.

(A) Students who applied for a tuition fee exemption for AY 2022 first semester and whose financial situation has not changed afterwards.

[様式K2-2][FormK2-2]授業料免除(経過措置)申請に係る申告書 (PDF / WORD
[様式6][Form6]授業料免除等申請書類チェック票(PDF / EXCEL

(B) Students who applied for the tuition fee exemption for AY 2022 First semester and whose financial situation has changed afterwards. And, students who didn’t apply for the tuition exemption for AY 2022 First semester.

[様式K2-1][FormK2-1]授業料免除(経過措置)申請書(PDF / WORD
[様式6][Form6]授業料免除等申請書類チェック票(PDF / EXCEL
[様式7][Form7]留学生生活調査書(PDF / WORD
[様式8][Form8]給与支払証明書(PDF / WORD ・記入例(PDF))
[様式9][Form9]基本給与証明書(PDF / WORD
[様式10][Form10]配偶者・子の申告書(PDF / WORD

(C) Students who applied for a tuition fee payment postponement.

[様式2-2][Form2-2]授業料徴収猶予申請書(PDF / WORD
[様式6][Form6]授業料免除等申請書類チェック票(PDF / EXCEL
[様式7][Form7]留学生生活調査書(PDF / WORD
[様式8][Form8]給与支払証明書(PDF / WORD・記入例(PDF))
[様式9][Form9]基本給与証明書(PDF / WORD
[様式10][Form10]配偶者・子の申告書(PDF / WORD

〒606-8585 京都市左京区松ヶ崎橋上町1番地 Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto
京都工芸繊維大学 学生支援・社会連携課 経済支援係
Financial Support, Student Support and Community Outreach Office
TEL: 075-724-7143(平日8:30-17:00)
E-mail: shogaku[at]jim.kit.ac.jp (※[at]を@に変換してください)