文部科学省「大学間連携共同教育推進事業」繊維系大学連合による  次世代繊維・ファイバー工学分野の人材育成「繊維・ファイバー工学コース」  Textile Industry Status and Future Prospects in Taiwan

日 時 平成26年10月23日(木) 13:00~14:20
場 所 京都工芸繊維大学 松ヶ崎キャンパス西部構内 創造連携センター2階 プレゼンテーションルーム
内 容 【講師】
張 志鵬 教授
(Professor C. P. Chang)
(Department of Textile Engineering Chinese Culture University)
Global economic is still confronted with uncertainty after 2008 financial tsunami. The economic recovery of USA is in a slow pace. EU still struggles with debt crisis. And Japan takes currency depreciation to save its economic, but brings the risk of currency dispute among Asia countries. Taiwan is also exposed to this crisis. Moreover the textile industry is faced with fierce competition in an oversupply condition since emerging countries have joined the development of textile industry. To cope with the severe competition and adverse business environment, Taiwan textile industry has come up with many important strategies. Among them, the Taiwan’s academic and research units also dedicated to the development of new textile technologies and new products on to play an important role. The lecture contents included the textile education and training system in Taiwan, overview of Taiwan textile industry, the vision of Taiwan textile industry, some representative technologies and new products.


問合せ先 京都工芸繊維大学 学務課学務企画係
TEL : 075-724-7133
E-mail : gakumu[at]jim.kit.ac.jp (※[at]を@に変換してください)