Harassment and Human Rights Consultation

On-campus Consultation Services

Sexual harassment, academic harassment, and other harassment and human rights related issues on campus can be discussed with the university’s faculty and staff members who serve as counselors. Please refer to the following links for further information.

Off-Campus Consultation Services

The following are off-campus consultation services available in English and other languages.

Kyoto City International Foundation

The Kyoto City International Foundation (KICEF) is a non-governmental organization that provides consultation on legal issues, visas, taxes, social insurance, pensions, working conditions, and mental health issues.

Kyoto YWCA

Consultations with specialists on issues such as status of residence, labor problems, and social security.
The YWCA not only provides information, but also provides interpreters, negotiates with government officials, supports persons with court cases, and provides family support.

Human Rights Consultation for Foreign Residents (Ministry of Justice)