We would like to inform you about the types of financial support available if you have been affected due to the coronavirus disease. Information will be updated as needed. (Last updated on July 11, 2022)
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This system provides funding up to 200,000 yen without interest to households whose income is reduced due to the coronavirus disease and need a loan for urgent and temporary livelihood maintenance.
<Application period> As needed
<Inquiries> The social welfare council of your municipality or labor banks across the country
<Related link>https://www.mhlw.go.jp/content/12003000/000606493.pdf
This system, for low-income households, provides interest-free funding up to 65,000 yen per month (in the case of a university) for study expenses at a university. In addition, lump-sum funding up to 500,000 yen is available for enrollment expenses.
<Application period> As needed
<Inquiries> The social welfare council of your municipality
<Related link>https://www.shakyo.or.jp/guide/shikin/seikatsu/index.html
This system provides single-mothers, single-fathers and widows with: (1) interest-free funding up to 590,000 yen (for private universities) for examination fees, clothing and other expenses required to enter school, (2) interest-free funding up to 146,000 yen per month (if you commute to university) for tuition fees, books, transportation expenses, living and other expenses required to enter school.
<Application period> As needed
<Inquiries> Office in charge of single-parent households in the welfare office of your prefecture or city
<Related link>http://www.gender.go.jp/policy/no_violence/e-vaw/law/23.html
Support by providing the landlord with a rent equivalent amount (up to the special standard amount for housing assistance) for those who* are at risk of losing their housing due to a decrease in income due to a decrease in income within two years after leaving or closing the business.
(* In the case of a student part-time job, it is not basically assumed to be a target, but maintaining a household livelihood (such as having paid tuition and living expenses exclusively by a part-time job) and job hunting activities Those who meet the payment requirements may be eligible for payment, so please consult with an independent consultation support organization that serves as a consultation desk for details.)
<Application period> As needed
・Independence consultation support organization for the prefecture, city, ward, etc. where you live
・Housing security benefit consultation call center
(0120-23-5572 Reception hours: 9:00 to 21:00 (including Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays))
<Related link>
Introduction video of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare
Funding of up to 3.5 million yen per student, is provided to the student’s guardians for university enrollment. Interest is 1.71% per year (fixed rate).
<Application period> As needed
<Inquiries> Japan Finance Corporation
<Related link>https://www.jfc.go.jp/n/finance/search/ippan.html
For businesses that are particularly affected by the spread of infectious diseases, subsidies are provided that can be widely used for all businesses, supporting the continuation of the business, and serving as a source to restart.
<Inquiries> Call center for the Subsidy Program for Sustaining Businesses
0120-115-570 Line for IP phones only:03-6831-0613
Service hours:From 8:30 to 19:00
(every day in May and June 2020; every day except Saturdays from July to December 2020)
<Related link>
Special measures have been taken for business owners affected by the coronavirus disease, who pay leave allowance, so that they can also cover non-regular employees including part-time students.
<Related link>https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/koyou_roudou/koyou/kyufukin/pageL07.html
80% of the wage before taking the leave (maximum daily amount 11 ,000 yen) will be paid according to the record of the leave forced to be taken. (limited to the leave taken between April 1, 2020 and September 30, 2020.) However the following two main conditions and others are required.
① Employees of small and medium sized companies who were/are on leave during the period mentioned above due to the instruction of the employer.
② Those who have not being paid their wages (or leave allowance) for the leave mentioned①.
<Related link>
Support center do counseling and introduce part-time job information.
Support center of part-time-job of Kyoto prefecture TEL:075-682-8916
<Related link> https://www.pref.kyoto.jp/jobpark/ryuugaku.html
To All International Students Studying in Japan <List of Programs Available to International Students>(MEXT Website)
<Contact information>
Financial Aid, Student Affairs Office
Office Hours:8:30-17:00(weekdays only)
E-mail:shogaku[at]jim.kit.ac.jp(convert “[at]” into “@”)