Date: April 9
On Wednesday, April 8, 2020, a staff member of KIT was found to have been infected with the coronavirus disease.
The facts as well as the actions taken by KIT with regard to this incident are as follows:
Age | Position | Sex | Administrative announcement | Remarks |
20s | Administrative staff | Male | 95th case in Kyoto city(Kyoto city website) |
April 8 At about 5pm, the affected individual contacted KIT and reported the infection
April 1 (Wed) After work, mild fever at night; recuperation at home since
April 4 (Sat) Fever (38℃); seen in a medical institution
April 8 (Wed) PCR test positive
On Thursday, April 9, disinfection of the office where the affected individual works, took place under the guidance of the Kyoto City Health and Welfare Bureau. In addition, three five (updated on April 10) close contact individuals were instructed to remain home.
・ At present, the route of infection remains unknown.
・ Close contact persons and other staff members who worked nearby are in good physical condition
and are observing their health.
・ At present, there are no students among the close contacts.
・ We have confirmed with the Kyoto City Health and Welfare Bureau that other facilities on campus
can remain operational as usual.
Note: We ask for your understanding and cooperation with regard to respecting the human rights and protecting the personal information of affected individuals and their families.