Click here for the English version
卒業後3年以内のOB、OGで就職相談を希望する方は、1.氏名 2.在籍時の学生番号 3.相談内容 4.相談希望日時(平日13:00~13:50、14:00~14:50、15:00~15:50、16:00~16:50のいずれか、第3希望までを明記)を末尾の担当宛にメールでご連絡ください。
月曜︓藤井 等
火曜︓門永 美保(英語対応可)
水曜︓乾 智子、髙村 克哉(京都新卒応援ハローワーク)
木・金曜︓浮村 真弓 他
担当︓就職支援ナビゲーター 乾 智子 TEL︓075-280-8614
受付時間︓平日9:00~19:00 土曜9:00~17:00(日曜・祝日・年末年始は閉庁)
京都市南区東九条下殿田町70 京都テルサ西館3階 京都新卒応援ハローワーク
Career consultants are available to provide consultation on a variety of issues, including concerns about finding a job, general concerns, life planning, interviewing, how to prepare effective resumes and “entry sheets,” and more.
* To make an appointment for a consultation, go to the “Student Information Portal, Login.” Click on “My Page,” then > “Applications,” then > “キャリア相談予約” Refer to the available dates and profiles of the consultants.
* Please check here for information on how to reserve a career consultation.
If you are an alumnus or alumna within 3 years of graduation from KIT and wish to make an appointment for career consultation, send an e-mail to the address at the end of this document with 1. Your name 2. Your student number when you enrolled 3. What you wish to consult us about 4. The date and time you hope to have an appointment. Available appointment times are on weekdays from 13:00–13:50, 14:00–14:50, 15:00–15:50, and 16:00–16:50. (List up to 3 possibilities in order of preference.)
Monday: Mr. Hitoshi Fujii
Tuesday: Ms. Miho Kadonaga (available in English)
Wednesday: Ms. Tomoko Inui (from Kyoto’s “Hello Work for New Graduates” office)
Thursday and Friday: Ms. Mayumi Ukimura
You can check the counselor’s qualifications and other information on the “Student Information Portal, Login.” Click on “My Page,” then > “Applications,” then > “キャリア相談予約”
・Every Tuesday, an English-speaking counselor (Ms. Kadonaga) experienced with helping international students find employment will be available (* Excluding August and September).
・Consultation (Ms. Kadonaga on Tuesdays only) will be available: 14:00–14:50, 15:00–15:50, 16:00–16:50 and 17:00–17:50
The following public employment support is available free of charge. Advisors at these organizations can revise your resume/entry sheet and provide you with interview practice. We recommend that you take advantage of this service when the Career Consultation Office appointment calendar is full. Also, be sure to check the “Information for International Students”.
(1) Kyoto Hello Work for New Graduates (for face-to-face, telephone, and online consultations)
* If you are using “Hello Work” job counseling for the first time, you must first complete their online registration form.
Go to their “Top Page” and click on “Job Application.”
* You can access their online consultation service the second time you use Hello Work. Refer to their online guide and call the number below to make an appointment.
Person in Charge: Ms. Tomoko Inui, Employment Support Navigator TEL: 075-280-8614
Hours: Weekdays 9:00–19:00, Saturdays 9:00–17:00 (Closed on Sundays, national holidays, and year-end and New Year holidays)
Kyoto Hello Work for New Graduates, 3F Kyoto Terrsa West Building, 70 Higashi-Kujo-Shimotonden-cho, Minami-ku, Kyoto
(2) Kyoto Job Park (for face-to-face and online consultations)
(3) Kyoto City Wakamono Shushoku Support Center (for face-to-face, telephone, and online consultations)
京都工芸繊維大学 学生支援・社会連携課 キャリア支援・社会連携係(3号館1階)
Tel:075-724-7146 / 7149
E-mail:shushoku[at] ※[at]は半角の@に変換してください)