The period has been extended from May 6th to May 31st.
Date: April 17, 2020
From: The President of Kyoto Institute of Technology
Kiyotaka Morisako
Following the government’s declaration of a state of emergency on April 16, the Kyoto Prefecture requested today that, as an emergency measure, universities suspend their activities during the period starting from April 18 until May 6 (restriction on the use of facilities).
In response to this request, in addition to KIT’s basic policies regarding the coronavirus disease and the actions based on those policies, KIT will take the following measures until May 6th. During this period, we will not be able to respond to telephone calls; please contact us by e-mail.
Please note that the measures may continue after May 6, depending on the future situation.
We apologize for any inconvenience and thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
・ Only the minimum required operations will be carried out and in principle all window-services are suspended.
・ Except for certain persons, entrance to non-university personnel is prohibited.
・ Rental of university facilities and equipment is suspended.
・ Except for certain staff, work will be conducted mainly from home.
■KIT Basic Policies
Notice on Required Anti-Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Measures (8th official communication)