繊維学系 Yu Annie助教、石井佑弥准教授らは、導電性糸と絶縁性糸の糸のみを用いて1回で編みあげることが可能な5層構造のテキスタイル型圧力センサを新たに開発しました。当該センサは、全体が糸のみでできているため、手触りがよく、また簡単にカットしたり衣服などの繊維製品に縫い付けたりすることが可能です。開発したセンサは、健康やスポーツをサポートする衣料として、ウェアラブルエレクトロニクス分野やモノのインターネット(IoT)分野への応用展開が期待されます。
Assistance Professor Annie Yu and Associate Professor Yuya Ishii and his/her colleagues at the School of Science and Technology, Kyoto Institute of Technology, have shown that using knitting to create a five-layer fabric structure for using as a capacitive pressure sensor. As the sensor is entirely made of yarn, it is soft to touch and easily cuts into different shapes or sews onto apparels or other textiles products. By applying the fabric pressure sensor, apparels that can help to monitor our health or sport activities can be developed.
By changing the yarn using it the middle connective layer, the compression stiffness of the fabric sensor can be significant changes. With this characteristic, the sensitivity and the sensing range of the fabric sensor can be customized.
Only a knitting machine can produce this fabric sensor. No chemical treatment and lamination are required. The difficulties in the production of fabric sensors the processing time and procedures and energy consumption can be largely reduced. It is hoped that the developed fabric pressure sensor can support the development of wearable electronics and IoT.
本件の詳しい内容はこちら(日本語・In English)(PDF)
Abstract URL: https://doi.org/10.1080/15376494.2022.2103216(外部サイト)