- Seminar on Child Language Development (Saturday, July 11, 2015)
- 13:30-14:10
- Kristine H. Onishi, McGill University:
Social cognition (Introduction to work on social cognition)
- 14:20-15:00
- Alia Martin, Harvard University:
Infants’ understanding of communicative interactions
- 15:30-16:10
- Amelie Bernard, McGill University:
Novel phonotactic learning: Simultaneous syllable- and word-level representations
- 16:20-17:00
- Hyun-joo Song, Yonsei University:
The development of infants’ ability to use verbal information when understanding others’ goals
- Open Lecture on Cognitive Interaction Design (Sunday, July 12, 2015)
- 10:30-12:00
- Yukie Nagai, Osaka University:
Predictive Learning of Sensorimotor Information as a Key for Cognitive Development
- Seminar on Social Cognition (Sunday, July 12, 2015)
- 13:30-14:10
- Alia Martin, Harvard University:
Origins of mental state representations in nonhuman primates
- 14:20-15:00
- Kristine H. Onishi, McGill University:
Mental representations/Communicative intentions
- 15:30-16:10
- Yoko Mano, Kyoto University:
Neural basis of social cognition based on fMRI studies
- 16:20-17:00
- Franklin Chang, University of Liverpool:
Linking vision and language: From infant cognition to eye-tracking in the visual world
- 日時
- 2015年7月11日(土)、12日(日)
- 会場
- 京都工芸繊維大学 松ヶ崎キャンパス 東部構内 ノートルダム館K-203
- 参加方法
- 参加登録不要、無料、どなたでも参加可能です
- 共催
- 京都工芸繊維大学 情報工学専攻、情報工学・人間科学系、KYOTO Design Lab、幼児言語発達研究会
- 問い合わせ
- 情報工学・人間科学系 岡 夏樹
E-mail:nat[at]kit.ac.jp (※[at]を@に変換してください)