
Establishment of research network for agricultural biomedical research by the fusion of natural product chemistry and medical information engineering

研究拠点形成事業とは / What is the Core-to-Core program?

本事業の中でも、本学が2023年度に採択された「B. アジア・アフリカ学術基盤形成型」は、アジア・アフリカ地域に特有、又は同地域で特に重要と認められる研究課題であり、かつ、我が国が重点的に研究することが有意義と認められるものが対象となっています。

This program, operated and funded by Japan Society for the Promotion of Scienc (JSPS), is designed to create world-class research hubs in research fields considered to be cutting-edge and internationally important in Japan or to create high-potential research hubs in fields of special importance or significance to Asia and/or Africa and of high priority in Japan. These multilateral hubs are built and operated through sustainable collaborative relations established among research/education institutions in Japan and countries around the world. While advancing research in these fields and building core research and education hubs, the Core-to-Core Program also concentrates on fostering the next generations of trailblazing young researchers.
Its “Type B: Asia-Africa Science Platforms,” which KIT was adopted by JSPS in FY2023, focuses on the research topics of special importance or significance to Asia and/or Africa and considered to be of high priority within Japan.


採択課題概要 / Outline of this Project


The abundant natural resources of the Mekong River Basin are not only a source of raw materials for agricultural and fishery industries, but also a source of bioactive and pharmacologically active substances. On the other hand, the profitability of the agricultural and fishery industries is still low and the population’s average life expectancy is still short compared to that of Japan. From the perspective of utilizing abundant natural resources as a source for drug discovery and functional food exploration, KIT has established a cross-disciplinary research by biology, chemistry, and informatics researchers. This project is a developmental expansion of this research center and will establish an agricultural biomedical research network that includes not only drug discovery, but also productivity improvement of agricultural and fishery industries.


採択課題の目標 / Goals of this Project

(b)化学的解析:天然資源抽出物のNMR による構造解析、化学的修飾・構造改変による相関解析を行う。


農水産物の品質保証・環境モニタリング研究など、途上国であっても産学連携が期待できる共同研究を中核に、国際PBL や海外教育インターンシップを通じて大学院生や若手研究者に産学連携を実際に経験させ、研究成果の社会実装を指向する若手研究者を実践的に育成できる指導体制を構築する。

①Strategic promotion of cross-disciplinary international joint research
Promoting cross-disciplinary international joint research on the following two issues in the agricultural biomedical fields. In principle, a seminar for presenting the results of joint research will be held once a year in person, and young researchers are encouraged to present their research results on a regular basis.

(1)Exploratory research on drug discovery seeds and functional foods derived from natural bioactive substances.
(a) Biological evaluation: The therapeutic effects of natural resource extracts will be evaluated using disease model Drosophila and animal cells
(b) Chemical analysis: Conducting conformational analysis of natural resource extracts by NMR, and correlation analysis by chemical modification and structural modification
(2) Research on quality assurance and environmental monitoring of agricultural and marine products, and research on development of environmental purification agents
(a) Promoting international industry-academia collaborative research on practical research issues such as appearance inspection and grade estimation of fruits (e.g., mangoes) and marine products (e.g., crabs) using measurement informatics, and water quality monitoring in shrimp aquaculture ponds
(b) Developing oil-water separation membranes to improve water quality for use in the agricultural and fishery industries

②Establishment of a cloud-based “Online International Research Exchange Center”

Building a repository for efficiently sharing machine learning models and image measurement software developed through joint research, along with the know-how of their utilization. By making it compatible not only with joint research, but also with archives of seminars and research exchanges, it will be used as an “Online International Research Exchange Center” with high continuity in the “with COVID-19” society.

③Practical guidance system for young researchers

With joint research that can be expected to lead to industry-academia collaboration in partner developing countries, such as quality assurance of agricultural and marine products and environmental monitoring research, as its core, the project will provide graduate students and young researchers with actual experience of industry-academia collaboration through international PBL and overseas educational internships, and establish a guidance system that can practically foster young researchers who aim to implement their research results in society.


各国の拠点・コーディネーター(代表者) / Core Institutions and Coordinators

日本/Japan 京都工芸繊維大学
Kyoto Institute of Technology (KIT)
福澤理行 情報工学・人間科学系 准教授
FUKUZAWA Masayuki, Associate Professor, Faculty of Information and Human Sciences
ベトナム/Vietnam ホーチミン理科大学
Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City, University of Science (HCMUS)
DANG Thi Phuong Thao, Associate Professor
タイ/Thailand チェンマイ大学
Chiang Mai University (CMU)
PITCHAKARN Pornsiri, Associate Professor
カンボジア/Cambodia 王立プノンペン大学
Royal University of Phnom Penh (RUPP)
SREY Chansorphea, Lecturer


協力機関 / Cooperating Institutions

ベトナム/Vietnam ハノイ医科大学
Hanoi Medical University (HMU)
Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST)
Can Tho University (CTU)
Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT)
タイ/Thailand チュラロンコン大学
Chulalongkorn University (CHULA)
Mahidol University (MU)


本学からの主な参加研究者 / Main Participating Researchers from KIT

片岡 孝夫/KATAOKA Takao(応用生物学系 教授)
野村 真/NOMURA Tadashi(応用生物学系 教授)
吉田 英樹/YOSHIDA Hideki(応用生物学系 准教授)
木梨 憲司/KINASHI Kenji(材料化学系 准教授)
坂井 亙/SAKAI Wataru(材料化学系 教授)
金折 賢二/KANAORI Kenji(分子化学系 准教授)
亀井 加恵子/KAMEI Kaeko(分子化学系 教授)
熊田 陽一/KUMADA Yoichi(分子化学系 准教授)
黒田 浩一/KURODA Kouichi(分子化学系 教授)
Siriaraya Panote(情報工学・人間科学系 准教授)
布目 淳/NUNOME Atsushi(情報工学・人間科学系 准教授)
野宮 浩揮/NOMIYA Hiroki(情報工学・人間科学系 准教授)
寶珍 輝尚/HOCHIN Teruhisa(情報工学・人間科学系 教授)


イベント / Events

November 11-12, 2023
Research Seminars on agricultural biology field
It was held as a special session of International Conference “ISDS2023”
March 18-19, 2024
KIT-ASEAN Joint Symposium 2024
January, 9-10 2025
KIT-ASEAN Joint Symposium 2025
※国際会議「International Symposium for Agricultural Biomedical Research Network」として開催
It was held as a International Symposium for Agricultural Biomedical Research Network


  • 問合せ先 / Inquiries
  • 国際課国際交流係/ Academic Alliances, International Affairs Office
    Email:kokusai[at]jim.kit.ac.jp(※[at]を@に変換してください) *replace [at] with @

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