First (Spring) Semester Classes and Course Registration Changes

Date: April 3, 2020
From: President Kiyotaka Morisako

To: All Students,All New Students

Re: First (Spring) Semester Classes and Course Registration Changes

This is to inform you of changes to attendance registration and classes for the first (spring) 2020 semester that we have adopted to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission.

1. Face-to-face classes on campus are scheduled to begin May 7

○For face-to-face classroom lectures we will rearrange the seats so there is sufficient space between
 all persons in the room. If high class enrollment numbers prevent this, two, 45-minute lessons will
 be held in the 90 minute class period. The capacity of each lecture room is as shown in this PDF
 file. Click here
○For classes meeting for two, 45-minute periods, check your student ID number. Persons with ODD
 student ID numbers should attend the first 45 minutes of their scheduled classes and those with
 EVEN student ID numbers should attend the second 45-minute half of the class period. Classes that
 are switched using methods other than odd and even numbers will be posted in advance on the
 Student Information Portal (hereinafter referred to as the “portal”).
 Be sure to check this information in advance.
○Lectures given in the first and second 45-minute halves of the class period will be identical.
 Instructors will assign learning tasks equivalent to the 45-minute classroom-learning students
 did not receive during the class time.
○If classes can be conducted with sufficient space between seats, they will be held as usual.
○If a large number of students register for a class the assigned classroom may be changed. Check the
 portal in advance for information.
○To reduce the time required for students to leave and enter the classroom, we ask that students
 attending the first 45-min. half exit from the rear door and students attending the second 45-min.
 half use the front door.
○Be sure to open the doors and windows to ventilate the classroom and reduce the risk of COVID-19
○During class, please refrain from talking and wear a mask. (If you do not have one, bring a towel etc.
 and keep your mouth covered.) Also, be careful to avoid closed spaces with poor ventilation, crowds
 and conversing in close proximity to others.
○The measures set by the KIT Novel Coronavirus Infection Control Task Force are updated as
 circumstances require. Be sure to check regularly for new information.

2. Classes (online) from April 13 to May 1

○During the above period, assignments will be given by each instructor via the portal. (It’s regarded
 as one class.)
○Some assignments may require the use of an online learning system called Moodle. Check in advance
 to be sure you can use the KIT Moodle system without any problem. If you have questions, use the  
 Information Science Center inquiry form to get assistance. Log in to the inquiry form using your
 Information Science Center ID and password.
○For information on how to use Moodle, see the Moodle PDF. Click here

3. Registration

○Registration period rescheduling is now under consideration. We will announce the new schedule as
 soon as it is decided.

4. Distance Classes

○To reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission, we will hold both face-to-face classes in lecture rooms
 and remote classes (where possible) after May 7. Information on how each class is to be conducted
 will be available on the portal or communicated in class.

5. About Joint Tri-University Liberal Arts Education Courses

○Joint Tri-University Liberal Arts Education courses will not be held on April 13 (Mon), 20 (Mon) or 27
 (Mon). We want to ensure the corresponding learning and smooth start of classes.
○For details, please refer to the courses and courses of the Joint Tri-University Liberal Arts Education
 in the first half of 2020 (Notice). Click here

6. Other

○Two days will be scheduled for make-up classes. Information on the dates will be posted on
 the portal as soon as this is decided.

[Contact Information]

  • About Undergraduate Classes
     Undergraduate Registrar, Educational Affairs Office (075-724-7718 / 7719 ・ 7221)
      E-Mail: edu-2[at]
  • About Graduate School Classes
     Graduate Registrar, Educational Affairs Office (075-724-7134 / 7135)
      E-Mail: edu-1[at]
  • About Moodle / WebEx
     Information Science Center
      E-Mail: hello[at]

    Note: Convert [at] to @.