Date: May 8, 2023
To: Students, Faculty and Staff
From: President Kiyotaka Morisako, Director of the KIT Novel Coronavirus Infection Control Task Force
Regarding: KIT Novel Coronavirus Policy on and after May 8, 2023
As of the May 8 reclassification of novel coronavirus infection to a Category 5 Infectious Disease, the national government’s basic response policy and industry-specific guidelines have been withdrawn (as announced April 24) and the “Kyoto Institute of Technology Manual for Prevention of the Spread of Novel Coronavirus Infections” has been discontinued.
From today onward, KIT’s response to novel coronavirus infections will revert to pre-pandemic status. Be aware, however, that even though the virus status has been reclassified to Category 5, the virus continues to circulate. We ask that you continue to observe basic infection control measures, such as hand washing and regular ventilation, on a voluntary basis.
In addition, Kyoto Prefecture and Kyoto City have announced recommended responses to novel coronavirus infection Category 5 reclassification. For further information, see the following websites:
Reference: KIT website: KIT’s response to the novel coronavirus infection as of May 8, 2023
Reference: Kyoto Prefectural Government website: Response to Novel Coronavirus reclassification to Category 5 (external link)
Reference: Kyoto City HP: Change in novel coronavirus status under the Infectious Diseases Control Law] (external link)