2023年11月29日に、応用生物学系 吉田 英樹 准教授が、カナダのMcGill UniversityよりNam Sung Moon准教授、Institut de recherches cliniques de MontréalよりEunjeong Kwon, Senior Scientistをお招きし、モデル生物や培養細胞を用いた疾患の発症メカニズム解明の基盤となる研究に関するシンポジウムを開催いたします。
On November 29, 2023, Associate Professor Hideki Yoshida of the Faculty of Applied Biology is hosting an OPEN TECH Symposium on research using model organisms or cultured cells to provide deep insights into pathogenic mechanisms inviting Associate Professor, Dr. Nam Sung Moon from McGill University and Senior Scientist, Dr. Eunjeong Kwon from Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal.
We look forward to your participation.
場 所:京都工芸繊維大学 2号館 4階441室
宛先:京都工芸繊維大学 国際課総務係 techleader@jim.kit.ac.jp
Date:13:00~14:30, Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Venue:Room 441, 4th floor Bldg.2 at Kyoto Institute of Technology
Registration:To participate from off campus, just send your name and the number of participants to International Project Administration at Kyoto Institute of Technology, techleader@jim.kit.ac.jp
講演1/Lecture1: E2F deregulation results in cytoplasmic DNA accumulation in endoreplicating tissues.
講演者/Speaker:Dr. Nam Sung Moon
McGill University・准教授
Associate Professor, McGill University
講演2/Lecture2: RNA binding proteins, the role in tissue homeostasis and sorting into extracellular
講演者/Speaker:Dr. Eunjeong Kwon
Senior Scientist, Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal
※本講演は英語で行います。*This lecture will be given in English.