新入生向け情報(令和6年4月・大学院生用)/ Information for New Graduate Students

Be sure to check the Student Information Portal for information on class starting dates, course registration, scholarship information, etc., as it is updated from time to time.  
*After opening the below website, click the button at the top right of the screen to log in the page for ‘Access limited to students, faculty and staff’. It allows you to check information for current students.


入学当初に登録・対応が必要な情報/Information on Registration and Procedures Required at Initial Enrollment

 Annual Health Examination

 Commuter Registration

 Bicycle or Motorbike Commuter Registration

 Scholarship and Tuition fee exemption

 Payment of Tuition

 Class Registration

学生定期健康診断/Annual Health Examination

In accordance with the School Health and Safety Law, we will be conducting regular health examinations for all students as shown on the right. Be sure to undergo this medical evaluation to aid the detection of serious infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, at an early stage and to gain an objective awareness of your current condition.

  • 実施日時
    Date April 8 (Mon.), 9 (Tue.), 10 (Wed.),and 11 (Thu.)
  • 詳細はこちら/Click here for details

通学登録/Commuter Registration

All students are required to register.

自転車・バイク登録/Bicycle or Motorbike Commuter Registration

Students who commute to school by bicycle or motorbike must apply.

  • 自転車の申請はこちら/Click here to apply for bicycle commuting.
  • バイクの申請はこちら/Click here to apply for motorbike commuting

奨学金・授業料免除/Scholarship and Tuition fee exemption

授業料納入/Payment of Tuition

履修登録/Class Registration

Class registration is essential to the completion of your degree. Be sure to read the course requirements carefully prior to registering for courses. Refer to the syllabus, class schedule, and materials distributed at program-specific orientations to determine which courses you should take.

  • 令和6年度前学期の履修登録期間 / The course registration period for the AY2024 spring semester
    4月8日 (月) 午前10時~15日 (月) 午前9時
    Date 10 am, April 8 (Mon) to 9 am, 15 (Mon)
履修登録に関する問合せ先 Course Registration Inquiries

(1)履修科目の選択に関する質問/For questions about course selection
Ask your program director or academic advisor. See the Student Information Portal for contact information for the department chair. 

(2)履修登録全般に関わること、その他の質問/For general course registration and other questions
Consult the Graduate Registrar staff at the Educational Affairs Office or by e-mail.
E-Mail:edu-1[at]kit.ac.jp(※[at]を@に変換してください。Please convert [at] to @)

*The Educational Affairs Office counter tends to be very crowded. Be sure to check the course guidelines and the Educational Affairs Office website for information before coming to the counter.

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オリエンテーション配布資料データ/Orientation Handout Data

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